Scouting Report 7/19/19

Overall this crop is holding on well despite the hot temperatures for nearly the past two weeks. Square sets remain very good across all three counties at this time with fields averaging between 76% and 96%. Whether dryland or irrigated, these are good numbers. By the 3rd week of squaring if we can maintain 75% then we are in good shape. We have not seen any fields to this point that are at threshold for cotton fleahoppers. a couple are starting to trend a little bit higher, but still remain below threshold. As we approach 1st bloom they will become less of a concern as 85% of the final yield is on the plant at first bloom. At that point we will begin looking at stinkbugs, of which there are plenty of out there. We have quite a few in cotton that is not squaring at this time as well as in sorghum, corn, watermelons, and pastures. Keep an eye out, especially as this crop begins to bloom and as harvest of our grain crops begin.

Also be aware that sugarcane aphid has been found in the Concho Valley. Our early planted sorghum should be fine and should not be at risk, however, any late planted sorghum or haygrazer should be monitored for aphids and management decisions will need to be made.

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