Scouting Report 6/25/21

Emergence issues have plagued several growers with wireworms, cutworms, dry soil, seed quality and now increased deer and rabbit feeding in areas. This crop ranges from cotyledon to about 9 true-leaves with the average around 4-5 true-leaves. Several fields are now starting to put small squares on them. We continue to see jumbo grasshoppers east of St. Lawrence and more so around FM 33, however their numbers are not as high as a week ago and many fields in that area have been treated. Cotton fleahoppers are light at this time but still need to be monitored. I am currently only finding one about every 10-15 row feet and they are all adults, so they are not reproducing yet. I am picking up some aphids in a handful of fields and the scouts have found some as well. Beneficial numbers are increasing rapidly in these fields and will hopefully keep everything in check. I have also picked up a few spider mites already along with the scouts. These spots have all been west of Midkiff which remains very dry. I know it is very early for mites but fortunately their levels are low, and rain is in the forecast. This was the first week I checked moth traps and bollworm catches were a little higher than average. I am also finding eggs in cotton and corn. Fall armyworm traps were consistent with this time of year and we have had FAW in sorghum for months.

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