Scouting Report 7/5/19

Cotton at this time ranges from 1st True-Leaf to about 1/2 grown squares. several fields will be squaring here shortly. Beneficals continue to build slowly in the older cotton, in the younger cotton they are obviously very low, primarily just spiders and a few lady beetles. Maturity is extremely varied throughout all three counties, both within fields and fields that were planted next to one another on the same day. Slow erratic emergence, wind storms, and now hail has really set this crop back in locations. Other spots look very good. Overall things are decent and temperatures have been good for growing cotton although it looks like we are in for another warm spell.

Insect activity in the field still remains fairly light except for the grasshopper situation on the eastern side of Glasscock county. These guys just seem to keep coming and coming in localized areas. Otherwise there is now area that is seeing one issue worse than anyone else. Rabbit activity does seem to be increasing a little bit. Cotton fleahoppers are slowly increasing but appear to be worse in non-squaring cotton. In the clean fields with nothing for them to feed on, I am not sure how long they will be able to hang around. In squaring cotton the threshold is 25-30 cotton fleahoppers per 100 terminals combined with less than 90 percent square set the first week of squaring. In the second week of squaring, the threshold is 25-30 with 85% square set, and the third week of squaring until bloom the threshold is 25-30 fleahoppers with less than 75% square set. As the plants get larger and put on more fruit, larger populations can be tolerated without an economic loss. A pesticide application is generally not required after first bloom unless if an adequate square set is maintained during the first 3 weeks. Remember, 85% of your entire yield is on the plant at first bloom.

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